MHMR Concho Valley offers an array of services to individuals who meet the eligibility criteria for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) and strives to ensure they are connected to the resources they need to live meaningful and healthy lives.
Intellectual disability (formerly referred to as mental retardation) is characterized by significant limitations in intellectual functioning (reasoning, learning, problem solving) and adaptive behavior (practical and social skills).
Our intake specialist will work with referrals to gather necessary records and schedule an appointment for a Determination of Intellectual Disability (DID) assessment, if necessary. A DID is typically determined by IQ testing.
Interested individuals will be placed on the statewide interest list for the Home and Community Based Services (HCS) Program and Texas Home Living Program and provided resources for other relevant programs or community services.
To schedule an intake appointment or to receive more information on IDD Services, please contact our intake line at (325) 658-7750 or email us at
Provides people with assistance in accessing and linking all access and link resources and services necessary to reach and maintain an optimal level of functioning in their community. Services Include: assistance in accessing medical, social, educational, and other appropriate services and supports. Service Coordination provides the follow-up monitoring necessary for individuals to achieve quality of life and community participation.
MHMR Concho Valley provides service coordination for individuals currently enrolled in a program or those who receive a slot and are eligible for a specific program. The following programs include service coordination:
- Home and Community Based Services (HCS)
- Texas Home Living Program (TxHmL)
- Community First Choice (CFC)
- General Revenue (GR)
- Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) – Habilitation Coordination
- Enhanced Community Coordination (ECC)
- Community Living Options Information Process (for individuals living at a State Supported Living Center)
- Continuity of Services
MHMR Concho Valley offers Home & Community-Based Services (HCS) & Texas Home Living (TxHmL) Provider Services. Both are Medicaid waiver programs that provide services & supports to individuals who live in their own homes or in their family home. The HCS program also offers residential living options such as group home and host home/companion care (formerly foster care). The programs provide assistance with community support, day habilitation, employment assistance, supported employment, respite and professional and technical support services.
MHMR Concho Valley also provides direct support for increased community engagement to individuals enrolled in general revenue services or PASRR services, including:
- Caregiver Respite
- Community supports
- Employment assistance
- Day habilitation
- Independent Living Skills (ILS) Training (specific to individuals with IDD in nursing facilities)
- Behavior supports
MHMR Concho Valley provides IDD Dual Diagnosis Services to support individuals, as well as their families, who have a dual diagnosis of IDD and mental illness. Services include:
Dual Diagnosis Clinic – Psychiatric outpatient services are designed to provide psychiatric diagnostic evaluations and subsequent pharmacological management services delivered by a board-certified psychiatrist. Additional services include nursing, specialized counseling with a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Crisis Intervention Specialist that works with individuals experiencing a crisis or are at risk of crisis by providing de-escalation services or referrals for respite.
Mobile Crisis Outreach – Crisis response provides a combination of services in the community that include emergency care, urgent care, and crisis follow-up and crisis prevention services. The team provides prompt assessment and evaluation in the community, stabilization in the least restrictive environment, crisis resolution, and linkage to appropriate services.
Crisis Respite – Emergency short-term, community-based residential, crisis treatment to persons who have a low risk of harm to self or others and may require direct supervision and care.
If you or someone you know are experiencing a crisis, please call 325-653-5933 or 1-800-375-8965.
For more information about services, send an e-mail to or call 325-658-7750.
MHMRCV offers case management for people receiving Community Living Assistance & Support Services (CLASS) in the Concho Valley. In order to qualify for services, a person must live in Texas and sign up through HHSC.
CLASS is a Medicaid Waiver program that provides community services to adults and children with intellectual Developmental disability or related condition with onset prior to 22 years of age. People in the CLASS program must live in their own home or in a family home.
Simply call 325-658-7750 and ask to speak to our Intake Specialist for intellectual & developmental disability services. Or speak to an Intake Specialist by presenting anytime between 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday-Friday at 1501 West Beauregard. The Intake Specialist will provide you with the basic information you need to get started. The Intake Specialist will also answer your questions about services available in the Concho Valley or the State of Texas.