Are you feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to turn? Are you having thoughts of wanting to hurt yourself or someone else? Are you worried about someone else who may be struggling with depression or other mental health concerns? MHMR Concho Valley wants to help you!
Our well-trained staff are dedicated to assisting individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis. Our staff is available to talk with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through our Crisis Hotline at 1-800-375-8965 or 325-653-5933.
Crisis Hotline: The MHMR Concho Valley 24/7 Crisis Hotline (1-800-375-8965) is answered by qualified and highly trained mental health professionals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When calling our Hotline, you will receive immediate assessments, support services, and assistance connecting with a professional to address your needs.
Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT): Our team is made up of an array of qualified and highly trained mental health professionals who are available for immediate response 24 hours a day throughout our 7 counties. MCOT services focus on providing timely crisis assessments and development of a treatment plan unique to the individual’s needs. Our team provides services where the crisis is taking place; this can include your home setting, school, the local emergency room, places of business, or anywhere within the community.
Crisis Respite Unit: Located at the Lloyd Downing Campus the crisis respite unit offers a 12-bed voluntary Crisis Respite Unit, serving all individuals throughout our 7 counties. Here our well-trained staff assists individuals in crisis, through assessments and evaluations to determine the most suitable care plan for recovery. The average length of stay for individuals is 7 days, which includes linking to resources, providing skills training, group therapy, and psychiatric stabilization for individuals to return back to their community successfully.
Community Based Inpatient Crisis Stabilization: Community Based Inpatient Crisis Stabilization is provided to individuals at the time of crisis as a last resort if a less restrictive option is not available. MHMR Concho Valley contracts with local behavioral health hospitals in San Angelo & the West Texas area. The goal is to assist a person through a crisis, when they are presenting as an imminent danger to self or others, or at risk of continued decline of mental health. It is our hope to keep people safe, provide services in the least restrictive environment, protect the individual’s rights and help the person through the crisis situation based upon their needs.
Mental Health Deputies: Law enforcement are often the first to respond to a mental health crisis. MHMR Concho Valley proudly partners with six local counties (Tom Green, Reagan, Sterling, Concho, Coke, Crocket) who have certified deputies in Mental Health Officer Training who are better equipped to interact with individuals in behavioral health emergencies.
MHMR Concho Valley has partnered with the Tom Green County Sheriff’s office since 2001 to respond to person in a mental health crisis, assess & determine if a if the person meets criteria for an emergency detention, and transport to a local emergency room for hospital. Often coordinating a crisis assessment through Concho Valley’s MCOT.
Simply call our Crisis Hotlline at 1-800-375-8965 or 325-653-5933. Our well-trained staff are dedicated to assisting individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.