MHMR Concho Valley’s Family & Youth Guidance Center (FYGC) provides treatment for youth with behavior/emotional disorders and their families. Services provided are determined by clinical assessment tools and evaluations. FYGC utilizes a comprehensive service approach with an emphasis on community and family-based care. Services are provided in a clinic setting, at school, and at home.
Wrap-Around Services: Wraparound is a process by which the needs and strengths of a youth and family are identified and used to drive the youth’s treatment plan. The intent is to ensure services are family-centered and family-driven. The overall goal is to establish a plan for a successful life for both the youth and family.
The wraparound process involves a group of people that are involved in the family’s life, working together to achieve a goal. This goal will really be the family’s vision of how they would like for things to look in the future. The wraparound planning process is organized, and the family will be assigned a Case Manager who will facilitate or conduct the family team meeting.
10 Guiding Principles in the Wraparound Process
- Family Voice and Choice
- Team Based
- Natural Supports
- Collaboration
- Community–Based
- Culturally Competent
- Individualized
- Strengths-Based
- Persistence
- Outcome-Based
Case Management: Case management services are provided to every child or youth receiving our services. The Case Manager will assess the youth’s needs, along with the family’s needs and provide linkage, coordination and services based upon the youth’s identified needs and priorities for services. Our Case Managers monitor care plans and make adjustments as needed to assist families and youth in meeting recovery goals.
Medication Management: Our licensed physicians and nurse practitioners work in partnership with families and youth, and our nursing team to promote safe and effective use of medications to assist individuals in reaching their desired wellness and recovery goals. We educate individuals and their support team on the importance of medication management and how, together, individuals can reach their recovery.
Skills Training: Our therapeutic team assists youth to learn skills they need to understand why they are feeling the way they feel; cope with those feelings in productive ways; and learn new ways of reacting to stressors. Parent education and training is an essential part of skills training as parents also need to learn why their child reacts or behaves the way they do, how to respond in a different way and to understand the skills that their child is learning.
Family Partner Services: The Family Partner is a formal member of the wraparound team whose role is to support the family and help them engage and actively participate on the team and make informed decisions that drive the process when receiving intensive case management services. The Family Partner can be a mediator, facilitator, or bridge between families and agencies.
Counseling Services: MHMR Concho Valley utilizes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), an evidence-based practice, that focuses on examining the relationships between thoughts, feelings and behaviors. The therapist will help the youth explore patterns of thinking that lead to self-destructive actions and the beliefs that direct these thoughts. They will then help the youth learn ways of modifying their patterns of thinking to improve coping. CBT counseling is problem-focused, and goal-directed treatment where the person and therapist are addressing the challenging symptoms of mental illnesses.
YES Waiver: MHMR Concho Valley provides Youth Empowerment Services (YES), a Medicaid waiver program. The YES waiver provides intensive community-based services to assist children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbances (SED) to live in the community with their families. YES waiver services are provided in combination with services available through the Medicaid State Plan, other federal, state, and local programs the individual may qualify for, and the natural support that families and communities provide. Some of the services and supports available through YES waiver are respite, community living supports, family supports, minor home modifications, supported employment, paraprofessional, and professional services.
Visit our YES Waiver Services to learn more.